Selection Rules

General Regulations of Participation in the Selections

National selections are planned in various cities in Italy to access the International Final open to all nations, during which the winners of the International Final will be proclaimed.

For Italy, only the winners of scholarships obtained in the Italian selections can participate in the final in Montecatini Terme, either in person or online.

For participants from other nations via competition finals in their countries or directly via written request sent to

Participation in the Italian selections is open to members of AICS and other Promotional Bodies and Federations, aged 6 and over who are in possession of a medical certificate of sporting fitness.

The registration fee for the National Selections:

  • Solists –Solo 55 euros – Aics members 50 euros – the second performance 30 euros
  • Pas de Due, Duet 100 euros – Aics members 95 euros – the second performance 60 euros
  • Small group (from 3/6) 115 euros – Aics members 100 euros
  • Large Group (from 7 to 10) 185 euros – Aics members 170 for each additional dancer 15 euros

SPECIAL PRICE Promotional (participation grants with a % discount are not valid)

  • Solo 30 euros
  • Duo or Couple 50 euros
  • Small group 60 euros
  • Large group 100 euros, for each additional dancer 10 euros

The registration fee for the Aerial Dance

  • Soloists – solo 65 euros – Aics members 55 euros – the second performance 40 euros
  • Duo – 120 euros – Aics members 110 euros

If a minimum number of registrations is not reached, the organization will have the right to decide to cancel the competition, returning the registration fees in full.


The fee must be sent via bank transfer to

Aics National Directorate

IBAN IT 75 I 01030 03271 000061460833

bic/swift PASCITM1A37

with the following reason: “Participation in the selection of (insert location)”


You can upload the payment receipt into the Selection Registration Form which you can find by clicking here but also in each individual event sheet of the Selections

This fee excludes room and board and travel expenses, all of which are the responsibility of the participant.

In the event of cancellation for any reason, including illness, the registration fee paid will not be refunded.


Prizes for national selections

All participants will be issued a certificate of participation.

The top three in each discipline and age group will be awarded prizes.

Participation medal for all participants in the promotional category.

Special prizes for Talent and delivery of scholarships to access the International Final of Montecatini Terme 2025.

Plaque or participation prize for registered dance associations.


Evaluation criteria

See Evaluation Criteria by Discipline.


IMPORTANT – Any disputes can only be accepted in writing, clearly stating the reason with the details of the person submitting and signing it; the Race Director will reserve the right to call or respond at times he deems appropriate, after careful analysis, in consultation with the Commission.