Montecatini Terme

Elena Bolelli is a performing artist, active in dance, choreography and teaching. She has collaborated with ilDance and Lee Brummer in Sweden and presented choreographic works such as Porcellum, Quattro Virgola Tre and La Famiglia in several festivals. She danced...
TV: 2013 AMICI (canale 5) 2016 LAURA & PAOLA (Rai uno) 2017 STASERA TUTTO E’ POSSIBILE (Rai uno) 2018 SUPERBRAIN (rai uno) 2024/25 Giudice per VENIX TALENT SHOW (canale Italia) 2025 partecipazione speciale per “4 dance” tv Lazio/gold tv VIDEOCLIP:...
He began his studies in Reggio Calabria (modern, jazz, contemporary) and, starting from 1992, continued in Paris and then Rome, where he perfected his skills by studying with famous teachers, absorbing their different styles. He began his career as a...
Giuseppe Meli is an Italian choreographer, dancer, host and television producer. With a career ranging from dance to entertainment, he has worked with renowned masters and won prestigious awards, including the FIDS Italian Cup and the World Cup Mediterranean. He...
Aurora Morano has practiced artistic gymnastics for 18 years and has a degree in Sports Science from the University of Milan. She taught for 9 years at the Piccola Scuola di Circo in Milan, specializing in aerial acrobatics and becoming...
Vjekoslav Didović is a dancer, instructor and choreographer from Croatia. Vjeko has learned from many oriental stars and absorbed their knowledge and adapted it to his own special way of performing and teaching. He has been dancing for 25 years...
Nevena is organizer of Waves Of Orient Festival in Belgrade, Serbia. She has been interested in dance since she was a child, and has been involved in various types of dances – folklore, hip-hop, latin dances, as well as karate...
Teacher, professional dancer and choreographer of oriental dances, university lecturer of gymnastics and sports, pilates instructor from Switzerland Svetare and organizer of the international oriental dance festival RAQSSWISS. In 2012 she won the famous talent competition Switzerland Ticino’s Got Talent. In...
Vjekoslav Didović is a Croatian dancer, instructor and choreographer. Vjeko has learned from many oriental stars and has absorbed their knowledge adapting it to his own special way of performing and teaching. He has been dancing for 25 years and...